Friday, November 6, 2015

Borut Pahor: an upper number of refugees and migrants it (Slovenia) can accommodate and provide for more permanently

Slovenia's president says there must be a limit to the number of asylum seekers who can enter the small Alpine country on their way toward Western Europe.
Borut Pahor told lawmakers Thursday daily arrivals into Slovenia should match "an upper number of refugees and migrants it (Slovenia) can accommodate and provide for more permanently." He did not provide numbers.
Pahor says "the task is ungrateful, but inevitable" and would include stepping up border control.
Parliament invited Pahor to present his opinion about the migrant crisis. Nearly 150,000 people have entered Slovenia since mid-October and country has complained it is overwhelmed.

Pahor also urged increased funding for Slovenia's police and army dealing with the crisis. He says Slovenia must avoid becoming a "pocket" where migrants would get stuck if Austria or Germany close their borders.

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